Matthew, originally from a small town, moved to New York City in 2010 to pursue his passion for hairstyling. With a wealth of experience in prestigious salons and major fashion events like New York Fashion Week, he’s honed a distinctive ability to blend creativity with client-centered service. His deep understanding of the service industry allows him to exceed expectations and tailor experiences to individual needs.
What sets Matthew apart is his intuitive grasp of client desires, supported by meticulous research and an in-depth knowledge of New York’s neighborhoods. Having lived in areas like East Harlem, Chelsea, and Gramercy, and worked in Midtown, Soho, and Flatiron, he offers unmatched insight into the city's housing market. Matthew’s dedication to helping clients find their perfect home is unwavering, driven by his honesty, tenacity, and commitment to go above and beyond.
Outside of work, Matthew is an avid explorer of the city’s culinary scene and enjoys long city walks, time at the beach, and international travel.